Join us
CLEF is an active and growing coalition that brings together the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, 16 cocoa and chocolate companies, and 2 philanthropic foundations as of December 2023. Its strength lies in its collaborative efforts, uniting public and private sectors to address complex intertwined social challenges such as ensuring universal access to quality education and eradicating child labor. Leveraging their combined expertise, resources, and commitment, the partners can achieve together much more than anyone could alone.
CLEF is open to further cooperation. Interested partners are welcome to join!
Alignment with national strategic objectives
CLEF responds to three national strategies targeting children in Côte d’Ivoire: the Education/Training Sector Plan 2016-2025; the National Action Plan to Combat Child Trafficking, Exploitation and Labor 2019-2023; the National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa (2022-2030).

Tackling root causes of child labor
Child labor is a serious challenge driven by many dimensions affecting and influencing families and caregivers. This includes poverty, lack of access to basic social services, adverse social norms, migration dynamics. Thus, any attempt to end child labor in cocoa growing communities must address the fundamental causes of this complex problem holistically.
Evidence shows correlations between access to quality education, school attendance, and lower child labor risks. CLEF is built upon the belief that child labor can only be tackled effectively through collective and coordinated efforts with accountability shared among all stakeholders: cocoa-producing countries, cocoa and chocolate companies, development partners, and farming communities.
CLEF capitalizes on the expertise of multiple stakeholders contributing to the initiative financially. It also builds on prior efforts undertaken through the Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities (TRECC) program. Together with the Ministry of National Education and the cocoa and chocolate industry, TRECC implemented various pilot projects with the purpose of identifying the best suitable solutions to improve learning outcomes in primary school. CLEF supports scaling the new national program for literacy and numeracy, which integrates strategies and tools that have proven effective.